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Restore of the subscription

Have you booked a subscription membership via the FET app and not received it?

No problem.

  1. Please log in to the FET app with your profile and open the last tab, “Me” at the bottom right.
  2. Scroll all the way down and go to the app's “Settings”.
  3. Now open the “My subscription” section and tap (again if necessary) on “Upgrade now!”.
  4. You will now be offered the opportunity to purchase a membership again. Please select the blue “Restore” button at the bottom right to restore your membership.

Your booked membership will now be reloaded through the App Store in the app if the membership has already been successfully booked.

Otherwise, it should be possible to book a membership again.

It is not possible to book two memberships with the same Apple account or Google Play Store account.

If it still does not work to restore your membership and the amount for the membership has already been charged/debited, please send us an e-mail to the support team and send us a copy of the order confirmation in the form of a screenshot.

We will then be happy to check and clarify this incident for you.

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