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What images can I upload?

Our kinky community isn’t a place to support or praise terrorism, organized crime or hate groups; this includes offensive vocabulary and buying or selling firearms. We have zero tolerance when it comes to sharing sexual content involving minors, bestiality/animal abuse, and necrophilia - along with racism, illegal drug use, and threatening to post intimate images of others. 


While we kinksters should feel like we can be ourselves and fly our pervy flags, there are limitations when it comes to adhering to obscenity laws in certain countries, which means we can't allow specific topics to be fantasized about or discussed. Content (images and text) that is not allowed to be shared is, for example, breeding, snuff, incest, weapons, and non-consensual violent acts.


Certain fetishes are allowed to be discussed only in written form but not permitted to appear in images. This includes scat, blood, knife play, and forced sex play (consensual non-consent/rape play). This content is only visible on our website.


As an authentic community, please only post authentic content (images and text). You should only upload pictures and videos that you have taken or that you were given permission to post. 


You are allowed to upload photos of yourself that also show other people, but only if the photo is very clearly SFW (Safe for work). Any photos that don't fall in this category that show anyone other than the profile owner(s) will be deleted.


If you find that someone has uploaded your images, videos or screenshots of conversations to the site without your consent, we can remove them for you. All you need to do is contact our Support Team.


As a free-to-use platform, everyone can upload images as long as they fit within the guidelines. While anyone can upload photos to their gallery, if they fall into a restricted category, the photos will either be deleted or will not appear on the FET app, only on our web version.


To help keep everyone safe, content (images and text) falls under the following:


❌: Not allowed anywhere


Advertising & Spamming
Animal cruelty, crushing & bestiality
Drugs & drug paraphernalia
Guns or weapons
Offensive vocabulary
Racism, hate speech, political propaganda
Underage & incest


🔞: Restricted, only visible on our website


Pornographic illustrations    
Restrictive fetish clothes and accessories
Sex toys, BDSM equipment, bondage
Nudity, sexual acts, and BDSM play
Nipple or genital stimulation
Partially visible genitalia/anus
Sperm, urine and watersports
ABDL, age play, children's toys, pacifiers 




In addition to the list above, we reserve the right to remove images that contain:

- Anyone who appears to be in distress or having trouble breathing.

- Images that contain contact info.

- Images that are screenshots.



Please bear in mind that our image guidelines are based on the content restrictions set by the App Stores. 

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